Picasa and Captions

Posted by PicasaPICASA and Captions 

Captions can be added as text to a photo –

TIP: make a copy of the photo first before you add text.
You can do this by clicking on the photo,
Go to File
Save a copy
-          then wait for Picasa to show the thumbnail of the current image.
-          Remember that when you save a copy, it will generally be a smaller version of the file and saved as a JPEG – this is ideal for TV viewing.. but not great for book printing.
-          For books – using the caption and text option is not great – you have be very careful with the colour and size of the font… and the quality of the image is not the best.

In the current versions of Picasa, when you add a caption you cannot undo.. so the caption stays there.. I presume this is so it remains if you take the photo outside the Picasa program on your computer eg. To show on a TV using DVD images..


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