Danish ancestors – post 7:

 Census records – The Danish Demographic Database has transcribed census records (folktælling) for all parts of Denmark from 1787 on. Not all records have been transcribed as yet, but every parish will have a good selection available. You also have the option of viewing scans of the originals on arkivalieronline (see post 6) which gives you more coverage. The DDD has 
an English language version, so is quite easy to use, the census transcriptions themselves are in Danish, but are simple to understand with the help of a Danish genealogy word list/dictionary, which you can find online at various sites (eg. familysearch).

If you remember, I was hoping to find Jens Peter Christiansen in the 1870 census living in Nyker, which is the parish recorded as his last residence in his emigration record. This would help confirm he was one and the same. 

Unfortunately, the 1870 census shows him working as a farmhand in Hasle parish, but I’m convinced otherwise the young man who emigrated from the tiny island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea to Queensland, Australia, is the same one who was born in Aakirkeby parish in 1852. He is the only Jens Peter Christiansen born around that time on the whole island, and he is the only one with that name, of that age, that appears in any of the census years after his birth. It would be still be nice to find some evidence in Australian records that this is all the same man. His naturalisation record, or even the names of his children may help there (couldn’t help myself, just checked the Queensland Historical Birth indexes, which leaves no doubt in my mind, but more about that later).

Here is Jens Peter in the 1870 census, showing him, age 17, unmarried, farmhand, born in Aakirkeby, working and living on a farm in Hasle township for his older brother, Frederik Christiansen, who I suspect has had a rather beneficial marriage to an older woman with land.

Bornholm, Nørre, Hasle Købstad, Hasle Købstad, , Nygaard ved Hasle Gaard Forhus, , FT-1870
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Frederik Christiansen 30 Gift Husfader Avlsbruger Aaker Sogn
Petrea Christine Koefoed 40 Gift Husmoder Pedersker Sogn
Ane Elisine Koefoed 44 Ugift Husmoderens Søster Lever af sin Formue Pedersker Sogn
Engeline Marie Hansen 18 Ugift Tjenestetyende Vestermarie Sogn
Jens Peter Christiansen 17 Ugift Tjenestetyende Aakirkeby
Margrethe Marie Jespersen 22 Ugift Sypige Aaker Sogn

Just to confirm Jens Peter is all one and the same even further, the 1880 census shows his brother living in Nyker parish, so I presume Jens Peter went with his brother to Nyker parish sometime between 1870 and 1873 (when he emigrated). His brother had a child born in Nyker parish circa 1873, so it all fits together nicely.


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